As the most important contact and information means, the website can host the Exhibitors’ promotion in its homepage through promotional logos and videos.

The company logo or banner and the video of the exhibitors, who will join the initiative, will be presented randomly on the homepage of the LAMIERA website and on a dedicated page. The video will also be uploaded to the YouTube channel.

The logo/banner space is offered, to exhibitors only, at the price of € 250 (+VAT).
The logo/banner space and video is offered, to exhibitors only, at the price of € 300 (+VAT).

The logos and videos will be visible on the site of the event until 30 June 2025.

Required material

  • The exhibitor must provide a company link to connect the logo and a file with the following characteristics: dimensions 800 x 450 pixel format transparent .png or white background (not animated) max weight 150 KB.
  • On display on the homepage the size of the banner is 330 x 140 pixels.
  •  For the video, the exhibitor must provide links to the video residing on Youtube or mp4 files.

The price will be charged in the final invoice.

The publication of the logo and video will be after receipt of the material to be uploaded within the exhibitors’ area of the Fiera Milano website.

For information: ph: +39 0226 255 226, [email protected].